Here's what she has in her library at the moment.
Cloth books:
1. Butterfly in the sky (Lamaze)
2. Monkey See, Monkey Do (Lamaze)
3. Fuzzy Bee & friends (Priddy)
Regular/board books:
1. Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See
2. Panda Bear, Panda Bear What Do You See
3. Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear
3. Today is Monday
4. The Very Busy Spider
5. First Read And Learn Bible
6. Bible Rhymes
7. Baby Talk
8. Colours
9. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
10. From Head To Toe
11. Papa Please Get the Moon For Me
12. The Mixed Up Chameleon
13. Octopus And Friends
14. Snake And Friends
15. Frog And Friends
16. Dinosaur And Friends
17. Busby Bumble
18. The Very Lonely Firefly
19. 123 Count To The Zoo
20. Words (Open the flap book)
21. Where's Spot?
22. Where's My Cat?
23. Animals (mini board book set)
Reading about 4-5 books a day, we rotate through all in less than a week.
We need more book shelves.